Baby Duece
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Welcome to the world
Louis Dale Snow!!

Louis Dale Snow (Baby Duece) came into this world on July 23, 2003 at 8:00pm. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Of course there was a full head of hair.

I went into the hospital on the morning of the 23rd, 8am. I was set to be induced. By 8:30, all my paperwork had been signed and I had been given the medication. It didn't take long for the contractions to start coming fast and strong. We thought Duece would definately be here by the afternoon. We were so excited.

Early in the afternoon, however, the joy and excitement we had been feeling changed to fear. Duece's heartrate was starting to slow down with the contractions. It wasn't falling in a dangerously low range, but it also wasn't a good sign that it was falling after the contractions. The nurse called my OB who ordered the medicine to be removed. This sparked a conversation between me and Brian about how they were going to induce. After all, if this medicine caused problems, what would happen the next day when they gave me the stronger medicine? Brian and I discussed the possibility of a c-section, not even stopping to guess that w/in a few hours , that would be where I was being rushed off too.

Dr Ancheta came to see me after his office hours and told us they were going to be doing a c-section. Brian and I figured that when he left the room to make arrangements, that it would be done later that night or first thing in the morning. Imagine my complete fear when in just a few moments my room was full of people prepping me for surgery and giving Brian the sterile outfit he was to wear when he was in surgery with me.

With in twenty minutes I was being wheeled into the room for surgery. I had no idea what to expect and was terrified. I was given my epidural and quickly went numb. I hated that feeling. Not being able to feel anything. They had to give me more anesthesia because just the epidural didn't numb me enough as I could still feel what they were doing on my left side. There were quite a few times I was so dizzy and out of breath that I thought I was going to pass out, but I made it through OK.

I don't know how much time went by, but eventually I heard Duece cry and Brian was telling me we had a "Louis". Brian cut the cord and they cleaned him up and then he was placed by my head so that I could see him. Then they took him away and Brian went back to the room to wait while they stitched me up.

It was such a relief to hear him cry. It's a moment I will never forget and a sound my mind will always play.

It was during my c-section that I knew Bug was truly always looking down over his mommy and baby brother. Please take a moment to click the link below to learn more about our first son: Brian Noah Snow "Bug" who was born still 8/1/02 and is our special Guardian Angel.





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